Get Well Soon Love by Miles D.

Miles D.'s senior project, titled "Get Well Soon Love," delves into the intersectionality of disability and queerness through a deeply personal artistic exploration. With vulnerability at its core, Miles explains, "Even though it's hard sometimes, even if I lost my sight, if I could not paint, if I did not have my hands, I would still be making art. It's what I want to do with the rest of my life.”

Through a series of paintings, sculptures, and mixed media pieces, Miles expresses the nuanced experience of living with a disability and navigating queer identity. Exploring themes of medicine, gender-affirming care, and societal perceptions, the project aims to shed light on the complex realities faced by individuals at these intersections.

Miles faced challenges throughout the creative process, from technical mishaps to physical discomfort based on their disability but persevered, and the project culminates in a poignant reflection on the importance of intersectionality and the need for greater understanding and inclusivity in society. As Miles states, "Sharing that makes me feel less sad and helpless," and ultimately, "Get Well Soon Love" serves not only as a personal expression but also as a catalyst for empathy, awareness, and social change.


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