
Ross School’s academic program instills in students an appreciation for the continuum of history, offering them a much broader context to comprehend the world today.

We strive to nurture comprehensive thinkers and break down the barriers of siloed thinking, allowing students to integrate their knowledge across various subjects.

We firmly believe that in order to equip students to meet the challenges of the future, it is crucial for them to develop a systemic understanding of the world. We strive to provide multiple avenues into the content, recognizing that the varied and diverse ways in which they learn and grow.

By exploring how various disciplines have influenced the development of history, students gain a framework for comprehending the world in a systemic manner. This approach empowers students to grapple with today's complex challenges with a higher degree of sophistication.


Our approach places a strong emphasis on student agency, allowing them to actively participate in determining their learning path and how they demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills.

In many instances, students have the autonomy to decide not only what they are going to learn but also how they will demonstrate their understanding. This approach empowers them to take ownership of their education and align it with their interests and strengths.